To All WAHA Associations -
Rule change Article 1, Section J, page 44 removes the grandfathering language regarding player transfers to an out of district association. Effective with this new rule, a player is grandfathered ONLY if the player has on file with WAHA a transfer form for two seasons with the same out of district association prior to May 16, 2014. If a player does not meet this requirement they are now always considered a transfer and are not eligible for grandfathering. In addition, a WAHA consent to player transfer form must now be filed annually with the WAHA registrar for all transfers that are not grandfathered. As in the past, teams are only permitted to roster two (2) out of district players.
Adopted language - Article 1, Section J, page 44:
Players may transfer from one association to another, regardless of classification, only with written consent of the releasing association. No transfers shall be made afterDec. 31. Written consent must be obtained each of the first two years annually.(Note: Players accepted upon written consent for each of the first two (2) years shall still be considered as being from the association serving their place of residence and as out-of-district on the roster of the accepting association). After obtaining written consent for each of the first two (2) years, the player shall be considered as being from the transferred-to association and will no longer require a written release from the association serving their place of residence. These skaters shall not be considered as out-of-district on the roster of the accepting association going forward.)always be considered as out of district on the rosters of the accepting Association. Any team accepting more than two (2) players from another WAHA certified association would not be eligible for State Tournament play. For Example: Team A accepts one (1) player under rule F-1 and two (2) players under rule G. Players transferring from an association classified as "Tier I" must return to the association serving their place of residence unless they meet all obligations covered in these by-laws rules, see Article 6 of these rules. Note: A player who transfers from a team/association classified as "Tier I" and does not return to the association serving their place of residence must obtain all written releases from both the team/association last played on and the association serving their place of residence, as specified in these bylaws rules.